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19 May 2020

EU Settlement Scheme statistics

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EU Settlement Scheme statistics

There is still more than a year to make an application under the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) – the deadline for most applications is 30 June 2021 although applicants must generally be living in the UK by 31 December 2020.  The Home Office has just announced that as of 14 May 2020 it has received more than 3.5 million applications to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Alongside this announcement has also released the latest quarterly statistics report about EUSS applications here.

I didn’t realise that I was into statistics but there are some interesting ones: 

Over 3.1 million (3,147,140) applications had been concluded up to 31 March 2020, nearly 91% of the total applications received (3,468,670).  This means, taking into account those applications made between 31 March 2020 and 14 May 2020, that around 400,000 applications are pending a decision.  We know that the Covid19 pandemic has slowed down decision making and that even before the pandemic kicked in decision times had been getting much longer. 

Of all concluded decisions as at 31 March 2020 58% resulted in a grant of settled status, 41% in a grant of pre-settled status and 1% were refused, withdrawn, void or invalid.

182,470 applications have been received from non-EEA nationals (as at 31 March 2020).  Of those 134,320 had been concluded which is only 74% of the total applications received from non-EEA nationals (compared with the 91% across the board) so it seems like these applications may be taking longer to be concluded.  Also 55% of the 640 refused applications were made by non-EEA-nationals.

The statistics don’t say how many decisions whether of outright refusals or grants of pre-settled status rather than settled status have been challenged by way of administrative review.  We are aware of successful challenges.   They also don’t say how many applications are duplicate applications, for example where someone with pre-settled status has become eligible for settled status and made a second application.

Bearing in mind the current delays in decision making and the risk of refusal it is essential that all EEA nationals and their non-EEA family members make their applications under the EUSS as soon as possible.

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