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28 April 2020

Comment: Not opening the door to Big Brother

1 min
Comment: Not opening the door to Big Brother

Emily-Jade Defriend comments on the BBC’s article today that the NHS has rejected the Apple-Google coronavirus app plan.

She said, “Virus tracing apps have been held up as a key component  in enabling countries to exit lockdown. For the NHS app to work, people are going to need to trust in it enough to download it and allow it to collect intimate details from their lives. That’s not going to happen unless there is complete transparency from NHSX about how the data can and will be used. People need to know that this is not a gateway to Big Brother. If an app is to be part of the exit strategy then the UK needs the most effective and least intrusive one.”

For further comment on this topic, please email Emily-Jade Defriend. 

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