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Our drive to make a difference goes beyond the law. We are committed to being a responsible and fair employer, and to being a progressive member of our local, national, and international communities.

We strive constantly to conduct our business responsibly

Improving access to justice, promoting human rights, and encouraging change through the law

The firm was set up in 1974 with a vision to create a law firm dedicated to protecting the rights and freedoms of ordinary people. Over the years, the firm has evolved to offer a broad range of services both to private individuals, NGOs, companies, and other organisations. However, that founding commitment – to fairness and to ensuring access to justice for all our clients regardless of their means – remains at the heart of everything we do. We take on an unparalleled range of cases and regularly litigate in the highest UK courts, as well as the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

Engagement with our staff and active promotion of equality and diversity 

Our most important resource is our staff. We are committed to treating all colleagues fairly and to being a model law firm. 

For example: 

  • Bindmans was one of the first law firms to become an accredited Living Wage Employer. The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually, based on the cost of living in the UK.
  • Bindmans is committed to equality and diversity and we strive to create and maintain an inclusive work environment in which all of our people are seen as individuals and where they are each supported and encouraged to achieve, regardless of gender, political or religious belief, race, disability, age or sexual orientation. As a firm we regard equality as a core value, both in service and delivery as employers; and we find that the concept of equality is a developing aspiration, with constant challenges in ensuring compliance and best practice in all areas of employment law.  We are a founding signatory of the Law Society’s Diversity Charter.
  • While we strive to make an impact through the law, we also strive to make an impact as an employer. We are committed to equal opportunities and the nurture of equality and diversity in our workplace.

Promoting environmental sustainability

We recognise the importance of minimising the impact our business makes on the environment around us.

Through properly developed and executed practices, we seek to sustain and improve the environment we operate it and contribute to the protection of the local, national and global environments.

Bindmans has the following key environmental aims:

To enhance environmental awareness among its staff

  • in the procurement of resources
  • in the maintenance and use of its buildings and estate
  • by the provision of information, instruction and training

and to minimise:

  • the consumption of resources
  • the production of waste
  • harmful emissions to air, land and water

The firm is part of the climate change alliance within Camden Council and has been working in the background on some major recycling projects as part of the firm’s attempts to reduce our environmental impact.

How can we help you?

We are here to help. If you have any questions for us, please get in touch below.