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Seismic changes announced by UK Government in respect to work and family visa routes

With the UK Government’s policy to send asylum seekers to Rwanda being ruled unlawful by the UK Supreme Court on 15 November, and with the release of the latest ‘net migration’ figures, Home Secretary James Cleverly announced on 4 December a new five-point plan to reduce net migration.

Due to come into force in Spring 2024, the announcement focuses on and introduces a number of significant changes:

These changes will specifically impact the health sector, which relies heavily on migrant workers and already faces staff shortages. Overseas care workers not being able to bring dependants with them to the UK represents a fundamental change to how the UK welcomes overseas workers, and will result in an already overstretched sector facing increased pressure. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has commented that an increase in the Skilled Worker earnings threshold will not address shortages currently holding back business investment and growth.

The increase to the Minimum Income Requirement for the family members of British Citizens to an eye-watering £38,700 will penalise the vast majority of British citizens and those settled in the UK, who wish to bring their family members to the UK, from being able to live together in the UK with their partner and children. Women, and mothers in particular, will be disproportionately affected by this increase. The Home Secretary is yet to announce whether there will be any transitional provisions to prevent those currently in the UK on the Skilled Worker or family routes being affected by these changes. Meanwhile, the proposed changes risk causing further considerable disruption in the health sector, stymying economic growth and, perhaps most significantly, denying the right of British citizens to live with their partner and children from overseas in the UK unless they earn more than the median average annual salary for full time employment.

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