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Bindmans Saimo Chahal QC (Hon) is featured Radio 4’s Test Case: Debbie Purdy

Saimo Chahal QC (Hon), Partner at Bindmans, has been featured on Radio 4’s Test Case: Debbie Purdy. The programme is a dramatisation and discussion of Saimo’s client Debbie Purdy’s book “It’s Not Because I Want To Die”, to discover the details of Debbie’s story and why her legal battle continues to make such an impact.

‘Debbie Purdy was a journalist who fell in love with a Cuban jazz musician, just as she discovered that she had primary progressive MS. Years later, their love led to a legal challenge in the House of Lords. Debbie was asking for the law to be clarified. If her condition meant she needed an assisted death, would her husband be likely to be prosecuted? Debbie’s book “It’s Not Because I Want To Die”, a gutsy account of love, life and facing death, is dramatised by Joy Wilkinson, and features the music of Debbie’s husband, Omar Puente.’

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