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Cruel times: the passing of the Rwanda Act

The government’s Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act came into force on Friday 26th April. It is worth remembering that this is an Act of Parliament rushed through the parliamentary process by the government using its majority. Its sole purpose is of overturning a finding by the Supreme Court that Rwanda was not a safe third country for those seeking refuge from persecution. The Act, alongside the government’s Illegal Migration Act, mark a huge backward step in the UK’s commitment to the Refugee Convention and offering a refuge to those in need of protection.

Over the weekend, media reports emerged that the government was seeking to act swiftly by lining up increased use of detention powers, holding people pending a possible removal to Rwanda with a view to removals potentially taking place at some point.

The passing of the act has, of course, caused alarm and distress to many people who are currently in the UK, who have left their homes due to human rights abuses and persecution and who have been waiting for their asylum claims to be processed.

Bindmans have worked for years on asylum and refugee law, and we continue to do so. We have far greater demand for our services than we can manage, and we know many other legal aid solicitors are in the same position, but we will do everything we can for our clients who are served with notices of removal to Rwanda.

For more information on our Immigration and Asylum services, please see here.

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