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Specialist Services

Discrimination and Equality

Challenging discrimination has been a key part of Bindmans’ work for almost five decades, and we remain the leading firm in this complex and evolving area of law.

We act for individuals and also for organisations, like charities, campaigning groups, and companies. Using the law, we can help undo the consequence of unfair treatment on grounds of race, age, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, religion, belief or disability.

No other law firm can match our commitment, expertise and experience in anti-discrimination and equality work. We are experts at challenging everything from individual police officers’ racism, to discrimination by employers – both overt and subtle – to government policies and even legislation which discriminates against large groups of people.

We are known for bringing ground-breaking cases for employees and winning the maximum possible financial compensation. But even more importantly, our clients have been able to expose discrimination effectively and put an end to unfair behaviour and practices.

We also work proactively. Progressive organisations and companies throughout the UK consult us for expert advice on compliance, fair treatment of staff, developing and implementing bespoke policies and defending claims.

We offer training and education on the impact of new and existing anti-discrimination laws, including the Equality Act 2010 case law, the public sector equality duty, and equality rights under the Human Rights Act 1998.

They are very dedicated. From their behaviour and endevaour, they regard their job as their mission.

Legal 500 2023

Many discrimination cases attract the attention of the media. We are very experienced at dealing with the press and, where appropriate, can help clients present their position positively.

Whatever the nature of the discrimination case – whether high profile, involving a claim for hundreds of thousands of pounds a challenge to legislation or a smaller scale problem that nevertheless has profound consequences for dignity in the workplace – our clients receive the same, expert service tailored to their needs.


Our team’s cases include:

  • Acting on behalf of a trans person challenging the deficiencies in the format of birth certificates drawn from the Gender Recognition Register, which led to the government making necessary amendments
  • Exposing unlawful race discrimination in free school transport arrangements in Wales
  • Establishing that the proposed residence test for civil legal aid was ultra vires, discriminatory and impossible to justify
  • Overturning a racially discriminatory MoD policy which denied compensation to over 1,000 British people held in Japanese concentration camps during World War II
  • Establishing that a school’s admissions policy unlawfully discriminated on the grounds of ethnicity
  • A successful challenge to Liverpool’s taxi licensing policy on the basis of disability discrimination and EU competition law for a disability rights campaigner and a vehicle manufacturer
  • Acting for the Alzheimer’s Society the first judicial review of NICE’s guidance whose discrimination law arguments ‘won the day’ according to the first instance judge
  • Successfully challenging the withdrawal of funding from the UK’s longest-established Black theatre company

Meet the team

Jules Carey

Head of Actions Against Police and State

John Halford

Head of Public Law and Human Rights

Alice Hardy

Public Law and Human Rights

Karen May

Head of Education Law

Anna Thwaites

Actions Against Police and State

Joanna Bennett

Actions Against Police and State

Christian Hansen

Housing and Property Litigation | Public Law and Human Rights

Rachel Harger

Actions Against Police and State

Shirin Marker

Public Law and Human Rights

Emma Varley

Public Law and Human Rights

Will Whitaker

Public Law and Human Rights

Paul Ridge

Public Law and Human Rights

Grace Benton

Public Law and Human Rights

Paradise Bidkalameh

Public Law and Human Rights

Verity Cannell

Public Law and Human Rights

Theodora Middleton

Public Law and Human Rights

Emma Pein

Public Law and Housing

Caroline Robinson

Public Law and Human Rights

Basmah Sahib

Public Law and Human Rights

How can we help you?

We are here to help. If you have any questions for us, please get in touch below.