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11 August 2020

A-level results under Covid-19

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A-level results under Covid-19

Pupils did not sit their A-level examinations due to Covid-19. We have now seen exam results in Scotland with significant concerns being raised that results were downgraded for students in the most deprived areas. Naturally, pupils and parents in England are very concerned about the potential for the same to happen here. In particular, there are concerns that high performing students could lose out if they are in socially deprived areas with schools that overall have not achieved high grades historically. Even if teachers assess the student as a high grade student, the statistical standardisation that the Examination Boards apply could reduce the grade.

A real concern is that appeals against the decision of the Examination Board need to come from the Examination Centre, i.e. the school, rather than the individual student.

There is the option of the student asking the school to apply for a grade to be looked at again and the deadline for requesting a review is 17 September 2020. Another option is taking examinations again in the Autumn but this will not assist students who want to take up university places in September. Ultimately any challenges will need to show legal flaws and will need expert education law advice on a fairly urgent basis, given the timetable involved.

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