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17 October 2014

Bindmans wins Lex 100 medals for client contact and manageable stress levels

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The Lex 100 Student Guide to Law surveys trainees in firms asking them to rate their firm in ten different categories. The 2014/15 edition of The Lex 100 has been published and Bindmans is a Recommended Firm having won gold medals for client contact (92/100 score) and manageable stress levels (72/100 score).

The survey summary states:

Boasting a ‘focus on public law and human rights’, Bindmans appeals to those who are looking to train at a firm that offers the ‘opportunity to do real work’ on ‘high-quality cases’. The vast amounts of client exposure make the firm a Lex 100 Winner for client contact, and the work quality and overall firm friendliness are well regarded. Moreover, trainees are on the whole impressed that the ‘hours are good’, which leads to a happy work/life balance. Responsibility is available early, with many mentioning that they have been able to undertake ‘real “legal” work from the start’ and that ‘the amount of experience you get is better than at other firms’. Some are concerned by the ‘fee-earner stress’, but many point out that this does not go beyond the occasional ‘rude e-mail from a client’, which safely positions the firm as a Lex 100 Winner for manageable stress levels. On the downside, some have drawn attention to a lack of confidence in being kept on. That said, although the firm’s social life could do with a little bit of improvement, you can always rely on ‘good support from the department’, and the great people are named as a particular firm highlight. ‘Attendance at court’ is something to look forward to, and many also nominate ‘the work/cases’ on offer as definite perks. Those scouring London to train at a firm that guarantees good work in a supportive atmosphere should take a closer look at Bindmans.

Emilie Cole, Partner at Bindmans LLP said:

Bindmans is delighted to be recognised for its commitment to training excellence.

Full survey results can be found here.

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