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16 March 2021

Employment Law Update: Spring edition 2021

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Employment Law Update: Spring edition 2021

Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Employment Law Update.

The last few months have undoubtedly presented employers with renewed challenges and questions as a result of the ongoing pandemic. This issue contains a number of updates regarding the extended furlough scheme, discrimination in the workplace, and recent government consultations. 

Our employment law solicitors summarise the most important employment law takeaways that employees and businesses should know. 

Following the government’s decision to begin consultations regarding non-compete and exclusivity clauses, our solicitors look closer at the suggested reforms. 

This blog explores the Equality Act 2010 and the protection it should provide employees with HIV or AIDS. 

There is no specific protection against bullying in employment law, our team explains what employees should do if they are experiencing bullying in the workplace.  

This in-depth case study provides insight into Employment Tribunal recommendations on employer undertakings and how these should be formulated. 

Our employment lawyers discuss the ethnic pay gap that persists between white British employees and most minority ethnic groups in England and Wales.

Employment Law Club: Employment Law during lockdown

Bindmans LLP presents an innovative lunchtime forum where the agenda is driven by the attendees. This webinar provides you with the latest updates on furlough, vaccines, redundancy, and sickness absence.

Meeting on a quarterly basis, the Employment Law Club offer advice on the latest issues affecting employers. The topics covered are based on the needs of attendees who benefit from an open environment to discuss their queries.

To find out more about the support we provide to both employers and employees, visit our employment page.

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