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02 July 2020

Jude Lanchin acts for man paralysed after police tasering

1 min
Jude Lanchin acts for man paralysed after police tasering

Previously a fit and healthy 24 yo man, Jordan Walker-Brown is now permanently paralysed after being tasered by police.

The Territorial Support Group (TSG), on patrol in Haringey, chased Jordan after he ran from them following an approach. He posed no threat at all but was shot with a taser as he tried to get over a wall. This caused him to crash over it and fall 6 feet onto his back. He has now been told that he will never walk again.  Jordan has explained that he ran due to his very negative experience of the TSG only the previous day when he had been caught with a small amount of cannabis for personal use, and his fear of being alone with the police again.  

Jude Lanchin said “this is yet another example of the heavy – handed policing of black men in the borough and the disproportionate use of tasers against them. Once more, police actions have impacted in the most damaging way possible, on the life and future of a young black man.”

The case has been reported in the Guardian and the BBC.

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