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21 October 2020

Sobriety tags introduced in Wales

1 min
Sobriety tags introduced in Wales

Alcohol Abstinence and Monitoring Orders, otherwise known as ‘Sobriety Tags’ are being rolled out in Wales today.  Sobriety tags are already available in London, Humberside, Lincolnshire and North Yorkshire, where they were initially piloted.  Today is the first day that they will be available in Wales before they become available in the rest of England next year.  The introduction of sobriety tags forms part of the government’s wider plans to overhaul sentencing and ensure that dangerous offenders spend longer in prison, while greater efforts are made to tackle the root causes of offending.  Sobriety tags will go hand in hand with other technology driven sentencing initiatives, which include proposals to use GPS tags to track burglars, robbers and thieves when they are released from prison.  Understandably, there are increasing concerns about how these new measures will impact and undermine a person’s right to privacy.  Practically, it remains to be seen how effectively an already stretched probation staff will be able to implement and monitor these new orders.

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